Interstellar meetings @fective


Natural teams that want to improve the dynamics of their meetings and people who in their role lead online and face-to-face meetings.

  • Become aware of common dysfunctions in meetings (online and face-to-face) and their impact on team results.
  • Reflect on and experiment with "best practices" to address these dysfunctions or challenges.
  • To know the aspects that contribute to the effectiveness of a meeting (purpose, objectives, actions, temporality) and to the affectivity of a meeting (positivity, management of sabotaging roles, etc.), addressing some specific elements of online.
  • Develop a decalogue to improve your own meetings and become a better team.

A team's meetings are a mirror of its functioning. What happens in a meeting usually reflects what happens to the team. Therefore, any dysfunctional symptoms of meetings, whether in task effectiveness (agenda, interruption management, decision making, etc.) or in relationship effectiveness (sabotaging attitudes), show the need to "be" more of a team.

The participants will face a great challenge: to prepare a great interplanetary meeting on which the future of humanity depends. The enormous importance of this meeting requires a very special preparation to ensure that both the relations between the participants (inhabitants of different and distant planets) and the resolutions that will be taken there are positive and productive.

To do so, they will have to overcome various challenges related to some of the most common dysfunctions in meetings: lack of clarity of objectives, agenda, unbalanced participation, difficulties in reaching agreements, etc. Overcoming each of these challenges, in the form of specific dynamics and games, will give them the clues to create a decalogue of good practices for this great interplanetary meeting that they will be able to export to their own daily reality.

  • Computer with network or wifi connection and webcam.
  • A mobile device with data (cell phone or tablet with wifi or 4G).

The training has a dedication time of 6 hours and is organized as follows:

  • Pre-work: reading and preparation (1h)
  • 2 sessions of 2 hours (online) with some homework between sessions.
  • Post-work: final reflections (1h)

The sessions are conducted online on an interactive digital platform that allows exchange and private rooms (Zoom type). And it is complemented by the Mural exchange tool (for online sessions) and Slack (for follow-up).

Interstellar meetings @fective

Improve the dynamics of meetings and make them more effective and affective, both online and face-to-face.

6-20 persons
Gaming, storytelling, video forum, role-playing, group discussions.
Online / On-site
Spanish, Català
All Spain
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    Online facilitation with 2 trainers and materials.

    Those who have tried it say
    "Thanks to the experience of @fective meetings, we have introduced many changes. Before we had weekly meetings, which were endless and unresolved. Now they are much more agile and useful."

    "The experience was great. It helped us identify the good and the bad of the meetings. Sometimes the obvious is hard to see and Ready for People helped us. Plus, it was a lot of fun."
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