We will start with an interactive talk and group dynamics to understand the main unconscious biases and develop the ability to recognize them in ourselves.
We all have unconscious biases. We tend to trust more in people who look like us, to attribute our failures to external factors, to think that attractive people are more successful, to seek confirmation of the expectations and stereotypes that we have towards certain people, etc … AND we do it without realizing it, autopilot mode!
Is this the moment? Situations of stress and uncertainty return us to more primitive modes of functioning, increasing the use of stereotypes and our tendency to discriminate. Current times worldwide shows how fundamental it is for all of us to work on our biases (race, religion, gender, (dis)ability, sexual orientation, etc.), which becomes a personal and professional responsibility, individual and collective.
We will develop skills to find cognitive alternatives that allow us to manage our biases when making decisions relevant to our personal and professional life.
We will help to understand how it is not our differences that separate us, but our way of living them as threatening. In this way, we will develop an inclusive intelligence that fosters inclusion and productivity.
The workshop will be experiential and will feature gamified and interactive learning activities.