The equality game


Teams that want to include gender diversity in their company culture through different activities that mix learning and teambuilding.


The key concepts of equality are worked on in order to understand them and apply them on a daily basis:

  • Gender biases and other factors that impede equality
  • Most common situations in which they appear
  • Strategies to eliminate them from all processes
  • Other concepts related to equality such as inclusive language or co-responsibility

The training is structured in three parts:

1/ Competency-based training
To provide the basis of knowledge about the objectives of training and to work on the beliefs that hinder change towards an egalitarian future.

2/Exciting team game
With riddles and quizzes to integrate skills and encourage teambuilding with fun.

The game consists of becoming part of the Purple Team. An important division that fights to end gender discrimination and situations of injustice in the corporate world. To achieve this, they will have to overcome challenging puzzles and tests and prove that they have the skills of an egalitarian leader.

3/Group dynamics
Co-creation of strategies to promote equality and take action.


Equality is not only learned, equality is lived, it is felt.


Large room with work tables and chairs. Screen.


This workshop/teambuilding can also be done on diversity in general (not only gender), we would talk about culture, age, sexual orientation and disability.

The equality game

The first gamified training on gender equality

20-60 people
Workshop with interactive lecture and experiential group dynamics with interaction and gamification tools using "escape room" technology.
Spanish, Català
All Spain
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