Motivate yourself and don't die trying


Teams that seek to adopt a positive, self-motivated attitude in the face of change and situations that are not always easy in the day-to-day work environment.

  • Make use of the positive attitude and see change as an opportunity.
  • Empower the team and leave with renewed energy.
  • Laugh, laugh and laugh!

Humorous monologue that, as its title says, talks about how we can have a positive attitude in our work and not die trying.

"Let's see! And what can I do if I get up early, with enthusiasm, do meditation, yoga, mindfulness and go to work with joy and good mood but when I get to the office and shout a euphoric "Good morning"... Nobody answers me? And I ask myself am I in my office or have I been abducted and appeared in the Sahara desert?"

With large doses of humor and with gags inspired by the world of business, the monologue explains that there are ways, in spite of all the difficulties, to be able to sustain this motivation and pass it on to others instead of letting yourself be infected by other toxic and limiting dynamics, which are in turn parodied by the actress.

At the same time "Be positive and don't die trying" ironizes some of the typical terms of personal development and coaching that have become so fashionable and that sometimes seem empty of content and substance such as "getting out of the comfort zone" "change management", "time management", "leading" etc.. In this monologue we are going to turn them around to finally arrive at a message where responsibility and choice are the spend many hours of your life at work, yes? how do you want to spend them? how do you choose to live them?

Because life is not what happens, life is what I choose to do with what happens, and what do you choose?


Conference room with stage and audio equipment.


Our speaker, Lali, is an actress, impact speaker, coach and trainer.

Degree in Dramatic Arts from the Instituto del Teatro de Barcelona. Certified in executive coaching by the European School of Coaching and systemic coach by the Gestalt Institute.

As an actress she has worked in different TV series, as a reporter in BTV (Barcelona TV). She has been part of Pallapupas (pallassos de hospital) and has worked as a trainer of emotional education with SEER. She is a specialist in public speaking training for companies and organizations.

Motivate yourself and don't die trying

Humorous monologue about positive attitude and self-motivation in the face of change.

50-200 people
Humorous monologue-conference
Español, Català, English
All Spain
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