The 9 habits of conscious and sustainable high performance


Managers and professionals who need high productivity maintained over time and who find themselves in changing and complex environments with high pressure.


This workshop will help professionals become aware of the need to improve their performance and positivity in order to maintain their effectiveness over time by creating a positive and highly productive environment.

Specifically, some of the benefits are:

  • Productivity. The global vision provided by the Conscious and Sustainable High Performance (ARCS) model favors effectiveness and efficiency reflected in productivity and results.
  • Positivity. Having the ability to create a pleasant and positive atmosphere in the work environment increases the engagement of professionals, their commitment and their responsibility to give the best of themselves.
  • Results. Both the tools and skills developed in ARCS are at the service of business results, with the achievement of objectives and results being the number one objective.
  • Anxiety and stress management. The professional will learn how to use stress to his or her advantage instead of being dragged down by it, becoming helpless and out of control.
  • Leadership improvement. In ARCS, leadership improvement is a natural consequence of Self-leadership that makes the professional an example to follow because it reflects coherence, integrity and strength both personally and professionally.

The main objective of the Conscious and Sustainable High Performance (ARCS) is to achieve excellence and well-being from the globality of the person.

The workshop consists of the following steps:

1. Presentation of the concept of Conscious and Sustainable High Performance: To explain ARCS we use the metaphor of a tree. In order for a tree to bear a lot of fruit, i.e. to have a High Yield, it needs to have a large crown, where the fruit can fit, a firm and strong trunk to support that crown, and deep roots that feed and give stability to the whole tree.2. Self-diagnosis: We will conduct a self-diagnosis to identify our strengths and weaknesses or areas for improvement. Each person will evaluate themselves in each of the nine habits to identify those they want to start incorporating.

3. Exploration of options: Different options will be presented to help professionals improve the aspects they have decided to work on. For this purpose, visual support sheets will be available.

4. Action plan: To move from good intentions to action, we will design a plan to help us incorporate new habits to integrate new behaviors naturally and organically.

The 9 habits of conscious and sustainable high performance

Become aware of the need to work on personal performance, self-care and positivity to maintain sustained effectiveness over time.

10-12 persons
Online workshop. Coaching and dynamics.
Online / On-site
Español, Català, English
All Spain
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