Give feedback to your team


Especially suitable for people involved in team development processes, managers or team leaders.

  • Know your communication style and that of others in order to have more effective and connected conversations.
  • Experience how to use the powerful tool of feedback to develop your team.
  • It establishes the basis for a culture of development.
  • Improves communication and interpersonal relationships.
  • Generate more commitment and engagement with your team.

This program will be carried out in 4 online sessions of 2.5 hours each (or in 2 half-day sessions in person). It includes previous work, between sessions and post sessions.

  1. SELF-ADVOCACY AND SELF-LEADERSHIP: Learn how to use the practical DISC tool to better understand yourself, your strengths and weaknesses. Make a personal development plan to prepare for feedback sessions with your team.
  2. IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNICATION: Through DISC techniques, develop your ability to better understand others and adapt your communication style to them. It will help you improve communication, relationships and impact, especially for feedback and feedforward purposes.
  3. HOW TO GIVE FEEDBACK: Learn practical tools based on DISC and GROW to provide constructive and assertive feedback. Understand and manage difficulties. Use feedback as a powerful development tool that generates commitment and accountability.
  4. GENERATE ENGAGEMENT THROUGH FEEDBACK and FEEDFORWARD: Use the opportunity of the objective review to reconnect with the team through deep conversation based on trust, empathy and listening skills. Use powerful questions to generate action and engagement.



  • Computer with network or Wi-Fi connection and a webcam.
  • Headset with microphone.
  • Mobile device with data (cell phone or tablet with Wifi or 4G) for the different digital tools we will use.


  • Large room with chairs for all participants.
  • Projector and flipchart.


Give feedback to your team

Learn how to use feedback and feedfoward as a development tool, improving communication, relationships and your impact as a leader.

10-12 persons
Feedback techniques with DISC.
Interactive facilitation tools.
Online / On-site
Español, Català, Français, Español
All Spain
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    Design, customization, deliverables, access to online platforms, pre / mid / post work.


    Individual DISC report.

    Those who have tried it say
    Fantastic experience full of practical tools for self-knowledge as well as for improving communication and development feedback, very useful and powerful.
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