Space propulsion


Teams that want to experience teamwork through a collective construction challenge. In a creative, innovative and fun way they will discover a different perspective of their collaboration.

  • Collaborate using everyone's potential to achieve better results.
  • Get to know each other better and strengthen trusting relationships within the team.
  • Encourage collaboration and communication between areas.
  • Experience a great team moment and a lot of fun.


"Energy is not lost, but transformed." Many of us have heard this phrase at some point in our lives. It's true, every action has its reaction!

This is a perfect activity to activate creativity and teamwork. A meeting full of challenges and above all common goals that can only be achieved by working together.

The objective is to create a unique, fantastic, fun ride... that transforms energy through a series of movements and culminates in a spectacular final movement, the take-off of the special rocket.

  1. Briefing and Teams: our technical researcher from NASA will give a briefing before the activity and we will divide the group into teams. Each team will have a work table, on each table you will find 3 cards that describe the movements such as: domino, magnet, pulley, free fall,... you will have to choose two of them. The cards are not exact designs that you have to make, they are only references for you to create your own design.
  2. Design and Planning: To begin with, we recommend that you don't go rushing around looking for material. Think and design on sheets of paper a basic structure, communicate with nearby tables to see if your design is compatible with theirs. Once you have it clear, get to work!
  3. Material: In order to create these three movements you have basic material on your table, and extra material in the common area. Remember that you are not working alone, if you monopolize the material, you are depriving other groups to use it.
  4. Movement and communication: in a circuit it is equally important that you communicate with the table before and after. It is essential to coordinate with them since you will have to adapt your constructions based on how that group plans to finish or start its movement. For example: My group is assigned to table 3. The last of the movements of table 2 ends at table level, it is logical to place an object at that point to receive the energy.
  5. Creativity: you set the limit, the only restrictions that exist are the physical limits of the room. There is no height or "width" restriction, be creative, try it out and make sure it works. This is the most important thing. The material is limited, your creativity is NOT.

The circuit test is the most exciting moment of the activity. Will it work? It will depend on your ingenuity and creativity, but also on your communication and collaboration.

An exciting and creative challenge to discover the keys to team collaboration and have a memorable time together.


Spacious, open-plan room with tables for all groups and participants.


The storytelling of the session will be co-created with the client according to the objectives and messages defined.

Space propulsion

A perfect activity to activate teamwork through creativity and collective ingenuity.

20-80 people
Construction of a movement circuit. Conduction of the event and group dynamization.
Español, Català, English
All Spain
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    Dynamizer and driver of the event. 3 dynamizers.
    Design and preparation of the event. Materials.


    Personalized storytelling.

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