Colorful Teams


Teams that seek to develop interpersonal relationships and the connection between its different members, thus improving the overall performance as a team. Teams that want to improve their effectiveness, productivity and climate.

  • Improve team effectiveness through the use of the different Insights Discovery® chromatic energies with which we positively and constructively address the impact we have on others and how to strengthen team relationships.
  • Improve the understanding and connection of team members. Recognize and appreciate the valuable contributions that each team member provides to the smooth functioning and effectiveness of the team.
  • Achieve more cohesive and committed teams.

The program generates a safe and trusting space to deal with self-knowledge and interpersonal relationships in a relaxed, fun and very experiential way. It is developed through a practical and participative methodology using the Personal Discovery® Profile as a transversal script.

The Insights Discovery® Model is based on Carl G. Jung's work on 'psychological types' and the concept of 'preferences', i.e. the way you communicate and build relationships with others.

During the workshop we will discover the 'picture' of the team, how the Discovery® chromatic energies are distributed, what are its strengths and what is the culture of the team. We will learn to recognize and appreciate the contributions of value that each team member provides for the smooth functioning and effectiveness of the team. We will perform dynamics to improve the understanding and connection of team members and learn how I can adapt my strategy to each of the 8 types.

We will conclude by working on our commitment to action by working as a team on the GWAVE Action Plan.

DISC team session


Large, open-plan room. Flip chart paper. Projector and screen. Sound equipment or speakers. WIFI connection.


Prior to this program, the team must have completed the Personal Effectiveness (Talent in Colors) program, which is the starting point in the Insights Discovery® learning system.

Colorful Teams

Achieve more effective, cohesive and committed teams.

8-15 persons
Group dynamics. Gamification. Personal Discovery® Profile and Discovery Full Circle.
Español, Català, Français, Español
All Spain
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    Session facilitation and materials.

    Does not include the Personal Discovery® Profile test


    Space, coffee breaks, food, video or photos of the event.

    Those who have tried it say
    We all loved this session, I totally recommend it, not only on a professional level but also on a personal level, you realize the mistakes we make when we relate to other people and it has helped us to understand each other and accept our differences. We expected a lot from this course, but the result has exceeded our expectations.
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