Teams that want to promote an evolution of leadership skills towards a model that generates more opportunities for innovation and effective value creation.
Identify opportunities that help boost innovative and transformational leadership skills.
Initiate and activate the change with concrete actions in the day to day of the organization.
Get inspired by sharing best practices and collective intelligence.
Organizations are called to new transformation processes. The new technologies that will be deployed under the umbrella of artificial intelligence, the processes of digital transformation and the restructuring of new business models will require organizational and personal change.
This work session aims to identify opportunities that help promote leadership skills within the organization. In an inspiring way that is both practical and down to earth, linking this development to daily reality.
The Lead to Change proposal has two intensities. The first is to provoke a reflection on the importance of identifying opportunities that allow transformation and, on the other hand, to define some actions that allow the creation of change agendas and help focus towards the changes required by the new paradigm in which we already are.
The workshop is structured as follows:
0. Pre-work session to adapt and customize the content to be developed for the sessions
1. Introduction by Xavier Marcet. Duration approx. 30 min
2. Innovation challenges to add value to the customer. Playing Cards Methodology. Duration approx. 1 hour
3. Simplicity and Strategic Agile to reduce bureaucracy, break silos, align and reduce the customer distance. Playing Cards Methodology. Duration approx. 1 hour
4. Conclusions and closure of the session by Xavier Marcet.
Deliverables: customized session report
The session will be carried out using the Playing Cards methodology. This is a methodology developed by Lead to Change. The Playing Cards methodology consists of offering previously designed options to the participants, so that the reflections are based on a broad base of suggestions and a impactful contributions from all the participants will be obtained.
In person: Room with tables and audio equipment.
In the case of the online version: computer with camera, audio and microphone.
This workshop requires a prior consulting session to customise and prepare the contents.